Generate Income Trading!
Stock Market trading for income has been dominated by men for far too long. Studies show that overall women make better trading decision and are typically more successful in the long term.
However, many of us don't even try due to the misconception that it is too difficult or too risky.
Well, we are going to disspell those myths ,and learn together in a supportive environment with like minded women.
Meet Gena,
Your Trading Coach
Hey There, I'm Gena Ford, and I've been an active Trader for over 10 years. Unbeknownst to colleagues and family members, trading has been the bedrock in supporting our family financially for many years - from highschool/college tuition to regular family expenses.
While casually discussing my success & love for trading with friends, I noticed that many women are unaware of the powerful tool trading can be in our lives. This sparked a fire in me to share my gift.
My goal is to provide a safe space for women to learn, ask questions and grow into consistent traders.
We hope you join us on this journey, and better yet we hope you share this opportunity to help others.
~ Now Get Off the Sidelines and Let's Get Started! ~
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I participate in the membership training meetings?
Upon subscribing, you'll receive further instructions via email with a webinar meeting link and the weekly schedule
Can I get a refund if I'm unhappy with my purchase?
Due to the nature of coaching, refunds are NOT covered.